Unit Testing the DOM

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
July 25, 2021
3 min read
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The DOM is the variable within front end development that complicates the unit testing process. While it is in the process of becoming more stable, it can be difficult to unit test and can make TDD more difficult.

It is very much important to do and can also be expensive from a unit testing perspective. A unit test will run much slower if it has to interact with the DOM. So this is something to take into consideration as well.

DOM unit testing refers to a couple of scenarios:

  1. Event Handling.

  2. Element is visible, or hidden.

  3. Element contains certain text, or that text properly transformed.

These three are the major types of DOM unit testing that occurs. There is much more to unit test from an E2E perspective. Determining whether or not an element is visible, or hidden, and whether it contains text, is better handled by Cypress.

Selecting element

In an Angular setting, the most important of all testing utilities is the Angular TestBed. The TestBed creates a dynamically-constructed Angular test module, that emulates an ^1. It allows you to swap out any piece that was included in the component, for testing purposes and then to reference that swapped out piece.

Using the testBed, we are also able to create a fixture which we can reference to target the nativeElement. We can then use the querySelector on the nativeElement, to target our element. Let's go back to the one use case we would like to target. That is, when an event is triggered, we would like to make sure a particular function is called.

In each scenario, we would like to make sure that once a filter is clicked on, the appropriate filtering function is called.

it('should call the appopriate function when filterToggle element' +'is clicked on', () => {spyOn(component, 'filterUsers')const filterToggle = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.filter-toggle');

First, we are spying on the filterUsers method for our component. Next we are using the querySelector to target the .filter-toggle html class (assuming there is only one on the page). Moving on, when clicked on again, we want to make sure that the appropriate function is called.

We have now completely through the power of unit testing, determined whether, or not an element is going to show up.

Unit Testing - Determining Text

With regards to text, let's say that we want to test the entire component at a specific time period, and want to make sure it contains three different words:

it('should show buyer company names', () => {expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerText).toContain('Apple');expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerText).toContain('Microsoft');expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerText).toContain('Google');});

Text might seem intuitive. However, there is the option to target text at different areas of time, and to make sure what one is looking is the correct format at a given time. Doing something like this takes experience to get it right. However, assuming you didn't know beforehand, you now know that you have the option to target text at a specific time.

As we mentioned, text and whether, or not an element is hidden, might be better handled by Cypress. However, just in case you want to see it for yourself, the above is a great example.

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