
Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
September 06, 2020
5 min read
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Transforming in RxJS is the process of modifying a value. It is quite a common occurence within RxJS.


bufferTime will collect a value until the provided time elapses. Once time has elapsed it will emit values collected during that time as an array. (It will not unsubscribe from the observable). A good example of when we would want to use bufferTime, is if we want to give the user notifications within their application. However, we don't want to flood them with notifications. In addition, the updates within our application are quite frequent, and are updated quite frequently. Think something along the lines of a stock market application.

).subscribe(batch => {
  this.notifications = notifications;

RxJs Higher Order Mapping

Before we dive into these three values:

  1. concatMap

  2. mergeMap

  3. switchMap

It's important to note that they are all similar in one regard. It will subscribe to an inner observable. This means that it allows for access to the value, and will create an inner observable. This inner observable can then be modified. Why create an inner observable? Well this get's into something called higher order observables. Think about the way classic promises work. Let's say we wanted to modify the data nested twice within our promise:

this.postService.getPosts().then(data => {
  const blogIds = =>; => {
    this.analyticsData = analyticsData;; 

In the above code, we have one promise inside of another promise. RxJS allows us to do all of these within the same stream. It allows for the observable stream to be more manageable and concise(i.e. avoiding nested subscribes). These are what would be called higher order observables.


concatMap will map values to the inner observable, subscribe and emit in order. Emphasis is emit in order, that is what concatMap specializes in. A great way to visualize this, is let's say we wanted to create a cascading effect within our application.

getItems(ids: number[]): Observable<Item> {
  return from(ids).pipe(
     concatMap(id => <Observable<Item>> this.httpClient.get(`item/${id}`))

In the above, the previous observable will emit first, causing a visual waterfall effect within our app.


mergeMap (similar to switchMap and concatMap), will create an inner observable. The main difference, is that mergeMap, will merge all observables into one(, as opposed to switchMap, which will cancel all prior observables).

  loadAllBlogPosts$: Observable<any> = this.actions$.pipe(
    mergeMap(() =>
        map(posts => PokemonActions.loadPokemonSuccess({ posts })),
        catchError(message => of(PokemonActions.loadPostsFailed({ message })))


switchMap (similar to concatMap and mergeMap), will create an inner observable. The main difference is that it will complete the previous inner observable, so that only the latest observable is re-used.

findAddresses: Observable<any> = this.actions.pipe(
  map(action => action.partialAddress),
  switchMap(partialAddress => this.backend
      map(results => new FindAddressesFulfilled(results)),
      catchError(error => of(new FindAddressesRejected(error)))

In the example above, we have set up our effect to handle search. It has a

  1. debounceTime so that if user types multiple times within a 400 milliseconds, it will only trigger once

  2. distinctUntilChanged to handle the use case wherein user deletes letters after typing, but returns to same word after deleting

  3. ...and then the magic! switchMap is used within our app, because once a new search is made, prior observables are no longer needed and can be removed.

It's interesting. While this has value, an alternative option could have been used, i.e. concatMap. Due to the finicky nature of maps, and complexity behind it, maps can also be considered as a way of documentation. On documentation alone, it is useful to use the most appropriate higher order observable. However, thinking about it again now, there are always use cases that get overlooked. So choosing the most appropriate observable, on top of unit tests, is the most bona-fide way to sidestep potential bugs.


scan actually works exactly like reduce does in regular Javascript for arrays, but for observables. So, why did the RxJS team call it scan instead of reduce? Well, it turns out there is one little difference. reduce actually is an operator in RxJS as well. However, scan will emit the value for every iteration, whereas reduce will emit only the final value.

scan therefore as a combinator has more use than reduce does, because it allows us to tap into the history of our state. (In fact, while we won't go into that here, we can create a really low level state management using scan)

So in an enterprise setting, where we already have use of ngrx/store, why would scan be considered as a common operator? The truth is, that within an enterprise Angular application, using ngrx/store there are some really one of cases that use it. It is not an operator that I would keep in mind, unless you are trying to introduce state to legacy Angular application, that does not have state.


map will apply a projection to each value in source. For instance:

// RxJS v6+
import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

//emit (1,2,3,4,5)
const source = from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
//add 10 to each value
const example = source.pipe(map(val => val + 10));
//output: 11,12,13,14,15
const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));

A common occurrence within actual applications is to use map within a switchMap, when using an ngrx/effects. That way, it returns the map to the switchMap, and kills any other observables from happening.

loadAllBlogPosts$: Observable<any> = this.actions$.pipe(
  mergeMap(() =>
      map(posts => PokemonActions.loadPokemonSuccess({ posts })),
      catchError(message => of(PokemonActions.loadPostsFailed({ message })))

Here we are mapping and returning an action observable to our effect. This allows us to hook in a backend service to our general state ecosystem.

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