How to Unit Test throwError

Using Jasmine Marbles— Non-Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
June 21, 2020
2 min read
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Why I'm Writing This

I’ve come across this scenario enough to know that it is a pain to test. So I’ve decided to write documentation for this, and put it here. Hope it makes your life easier.

Background Information — When Does One Usually Use throwError?

throwError is generally used within an Angular attempting to make an http request. For instance, let’s say you have a userService and you would like to pull in all users. This userService returns an observable, that an object for all data relating to a particular user. This data is then fed into the application vis-a-vis a tap or subscribe.

However, let’s say an error pops up, such as a bad wifi, an expired user token, or a system which is down. How can we let the application know that an error did indeed happen, and feed that data back to the “stream” to let it know that an error happened, but still return an observable. This is what throwError does. It returns an observable that contains a “throw Error” message.

How to Unit Testing throwError using jasmine-marbles

The scenario here, is that we have method(i.e. a function inside a class), that is returning a throwError. We want to check and make sure that the function is indeed outputting the value passed to throwError.

import { cold } from 'jasmine-marbles';
const mock404Error = {
  status: 404

const handleError$ = service.handleError(mock401Error);
const expected$ = cold('#', undefined, mock401Error);


The magic in the above code is the syntax for the cold marble.

  1. It is using # as a marble, which is the equivalent of `throwError.
  2. We are passing three params instead of the usual two. We keep the second param, which stands for value as undefined. We pass the value for the error to the third param. This will make it the equivalent to throwError(mock404Error);

As seen in the code above, we can now simply code:


and viola! Unit test complete. I hope this helps.

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