Content Projection
Any component can technically be re-usable. What makes content projection so great is that it allows the content inside of a component to change based on the need of the application. It also allows us to separate concerns. We can build a component for display and another component built for handling user actions.
Single Slot Projection
If we wanted to create a component that allows us to use content projection, it is as simple as adding ng-content inside of our component:
<!-- inside reusable component --><ng-content></ng-content><!-- inside component, consuming the re-usable component --><reusable-component> <p>Content goes here</p> </reusable-component>
Using our \<reusable-component> we have the ability to put it wherever we want and change the content based on the parent component consuming it. What if we have two separate places withing our component that we would like to inject content? What if we have a card component, and we want there to be different content inside of the header and main body of the component?
Multiple Slot Projection
This is my preferred method of multiple content projection, by creating binding content projection to class. I feel it's a great of making sure content projection is transparent across the entire lifecycle. We can now do the following:
<div class="header"><ng-content select=".header"></ng-content></header><div class="body"><ng-content select=".body"></ng-content></div>
In our parent component consuming the re-usable component:
<reusable-component><div class="header">CSS</div><div class="body">{{css-data}}</div></reusable-component>
Just like that, we can have our content project in multiple places, into the re-usable component.
Styling Projected Content
One of the scenarios that comes up a lot with regards to projected content is attempting to style it. You might want the content in one component to have a top border and in others for the text color to be of a different style. So how would we do this, being that we are projecting the content into a separate component?
:host ::ng-deep .header {color: blue;}:host ::ng-deep .body {margin-top: pxl-space-multiplier(1);}
Just like that, we are able to style the content within our project.
Interacting with Projected Content
One more scenario to take into consideration when working with projected content is to interact with it. Let's say that we want to project an input field into our projected content. In addition, we would like to determine when that input field has been clicked on? The following is the best strategy.We will create a directive, that focuses on event handling. [^1]
An Example
This is a simple directive, that targets the focus and blur of host element using the \@HostListener element.
selector: '[inputRef]'})export class InputRefDirective {
focus = false;@HostListener("focus")onFocus() {this.focus = true;}@HostListener("blur")onBlur() {this.focus = false;}}
Not we can pass this inputRef directive onto our projected content:
<h1>FA Input</h1><fa-input icon="envelope"><input inputRef type="email" placeholder="Email"></fa-input>
Now within our re-usable component, we can use the
decorator to inject the inputRefDirective
within our
component. Then,we can use the @HostBinding
decorator to change the
class on our re-usable component, based on the status of the input ref.
selector: 'fa-input',
template: ` <i class="fa" [ngClass]="classes"></i> <ng-content></ng-content> `,
styleUrls: ['./fa-input.component.css']})export class FaInputComponent {@Input() icon: string;@ContentChild(InputRefDirective)
input: InputRefDirective;@HostBinding("class.focus")get focus() {return this.input ? this.input.focus : false;}get classes() {const cssClasses = {
fa: true};
cssClasses['fa-' + this.icon] = true;return cssClasses;}}
Wrapping Up
As we have seen, content projection is a very powerful way of re-using content within our component. We have also covered the two stereo-typical uses cases,which we will have to solve in an enterprise app from time to time. I.e. eventhandling for our project content, as well as controlling the styling for our projected content.
[^1]: Refer back to the chapter on directives. Generally speaking directiveshelp solve two things:
1. Event handling
2. Passing in Values
These two tend to work in tandem with each other. Similarly here, we
will beusing directives to pass in a value, and have it work in
tandem with eventhandling.