One of the foundational concepts of RxJS is understanding what the difference between cold and hot observables is. At its core this difference is:
There is a lot to unpack here, so let's dissect.
Cold Observables
To re-iterate, an observable is called cold
, when the data is
produced inside of the observable. An observable is only instantiated,
once the subscribe
is called. So, we can have something like this:
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';const randomVal$ = new Subject().next(Math.random());}
That will actually create an observable, but it will not be called until
we add a subscribe
to the code.
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';const randomVals$ = new Subject().next(Math.random());// Subscribe to run the combined functions
randomVals$.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
For that reason, it's possible to have it subscribe mutliple times to a singular observable, yet get different results each time. If in the above code, we created two subscribes, so that our code now looks like this:
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';const randomVals$ = new Subject().next(Math.random());// Subscribe to run the combined functions
randomVals$.subscribe(x => console.log(x));// 0.8771441274333971 (random number)
randomVals$.subscribe(x => console.log(x));// 0.09728173083079916 (random number)
As we can see in the comments above, each subscribe will give us a new value.
Maintaining Same Value for Both Subscribers - Venture into the Land of Hot
However, let's say that we wanted to maintain the same random value for both subscribers. What we would do, is create a constant outside of the subject logic, so that it remains the same value for both.
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';const random = Math.random();const randomVal$ = new Subject().next(random);// Subscribe to run the combined functions
randomVals$.subscribe(x => console.log(x));// 0.8771441274333971 (random number)
randomVals$.subscribe(x => console.log(x));// 0.8771441274333971 (random number)
Here, we have moved the data producer(i.e. Math.random()
) out of
observable. So, to go back to our definition of a hot, vs cold
observable. Being that this data was produced outside of the observable,
our observable now just went from being a cold observable to a hot
observable. However, as time goes on, you will have to apply this (hot v
cold) logic to every scenario to truly understand where the data is
being produced.
Hot Observables
So, while we have produced a good example for what a cold vs hot
observable is, we have not produced an enterprise example, that really
drives it home. The truth is, that actually @ngrx/store
is based on
hot observables. In particular when using @ngrx/effects
@Effect() loadPosts$ = this.dataPersistence.fetch(
PostsActionTypes.LoadPosts,{run: (action: LoadPosts, state: PostsPartialState) => {return this.postsService.getPosts().pipe(map((posts: Post[]) => new PostsLoaded(posts)));},onError: (action: LoadPosts, error) => {console.error('Error', error);return new PostsLoadError(error);}});
As we can see, we are passing in an action that already exists. In fact,
we are using nrwl's utility function dataPersistence
to make sure our
data persists. If we dig deep, we will see that it extends this core
functionality of ngrx/effects
* @whatItDoes Provides convenience methods for implementing common operations of persisting data.
*/export declare class DataPersistence<T> {
store: Store<T>;
actions: Actions;constructor(store: Store<T>, actions: Actions);
export declare class Actions<V = Action> extends Observable<V> {constructor(source?: Observable<V>);lift<R>(operator: Operator<V, R>): Observable<R>;//..}
The actions are extending the Observable type annotation. This is immediately apparent if using the ngrx/effects 's createEffect method. However, on principal, the Angular: The Full Gamut series uses enterprise examples, even when trying to explain core concepts
We are accepting data from an action, turn all actions within our app as an observable, thereby making the data produced outside of our effects. This is a classic scenario that happens time and time again, that is in truth a hot observable. Knowing this truth is very valuable, especially when it comes to unit testing your code.
Why Make an Observable Hot?
To re-iterate, an Observable by default is cold. So, why would one want to make an observable hot? This has value in two particular situations:
Have multiple subscribers get the same data
If you would have to create a new value time and time again within your observables subscribe(websocket, action etc.).
Separation of concern. Within \@ngrx/store we have files, and pieces of our state management that do different things. By creating a hot observable, it allows us to pass through the data, use a hot observable, and keep with separation of concerns.