Angular Universal

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 26, 2021
4 min read
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What is Server Side Rendering?

By default, Angular will render HTML on the page using JavaScript within the browser. Server side rendering, however, will produce all of the HTML off the browser and within the server. Normally, people come across using Angular Universal for two reasons:

  1. Mobile app - JavaScript engines on mobile phones, while much stronger, are still lacking. In addition, while having the server generate the HTML instead of the client, can potentially boost battery performance of application.

  2. SEO reasons - Angular Universal will make your site static.

Another added benefit of Angular Universal, is that it has a very fast FCP(first contentful paint). When you use Angular Universal for the first time, this will immediately be apparent. It should be noted however, the TTI(Time to interactive), wherein user will be able to interact with the page, will still be loading in the background.

Angular Universal Actually Requires A Sever

One thing that people using Angular Universal will be surprised, when using it for the first time, is that it actually requires a server! Looking back it will make sense, because obviously it is server side rendering. However, the name \"Angular Universal\" doesn't exactly lend to that assumption. Any web server will work with Angular Universal.

A Couple of Points to Keep in Mind

How Angular Universal Works

  1. Angular Universal uses the platform-server package under the hood. This provides low level features that don't rely on a browser(XMLHttpRequest, etc.)

  2. Server passes the client request (for application pages) to the ngExpressEngine which calls the Universal renderModuleFactory. This function inputs:

    1. Template HTML page.

    2. Angular module containing components.

    3. route determining which components to display.

  3. The renderModuleFactory() function, renders view within the <app> tag of template.

  4. The server will then return rendered page to the client.

Dynamic of Browser APIs with Angular Universal

A universal app works on the server side. Because of that, it needs to create abstractions over classic APis such as window, or location. There some bugs that might show as a result, if your app does anything fancy.

Another really important point, is that a Universal app cannot interact with a mouse, or keyboard event. Without some hack/workaround, it is important to make your entire app routable.

Using Absolute URLs - Serving on Browser vs. Serving on Server

There is an interesting dynamic between serving on the browser, and serving on the server. When serving on the browser, the paths for a url are relative. When serving on a server, the paths must be absolute. So why is it that this is indeed the dynamic?

Well, think of it this way. When generation is happening within the browser, it is fully aware of everything going on from the client side of things. The actual url is irrelevant. There could potentially be a way of approaching this problem. However, after looking into the github issues, for the angular github, one will find that this is actually a surprisingly complicated issue. Given the way the package works out.

From a server side, it does not have access to the client side, so using relative paths is not an option. You will need to create an interceptor to pass a full url to your server, based on your client data. (It is possible to do this on the server's side of things, but arguably less overhead to do this on the client side.)

Universal Template Engine

Within your server.ts file, you will write something similar to the following:

app.engine('html', ngExpressEngine({
  bootstrap: AppServerModuleNgFactory,
  providers: [provideModuleMap(LAZY_MODULE_MAP)]}));

There are two notable items in the code above:

  1. AppServerModule - This is the bridge between the client and server.

  2. extraProviders - This one is optional, and is something that

The ngExpressEngine function returns a callback promise to the client.

Security + Static Files

In order to ensure that all static files are delivered properly to clients. Put all client side files in the dist folder. Only honor requests for files coming from the dist folder.

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